Our Calling to Discover, Recover, and Uncover

Originally Posted on September 26, 2015

 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,  I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. (Ephesians 1:7-9 and 17 NIV)


Through the Holy Spirit (who is the presence of God in us), we can pray for wisdom, discernment, and revelation to unlock His special calling in our lives, to walk us through tough times, lead us to a greater understanding of who He is, care for others, and grow in our faith journey. The list is endless.

Wisdom is knowledge—the facts and truth as seen through our life’s filters. Discernment (understanding) is the tool to solve problems or interpret the knowledge (wisdom) that we have been given.  Revelation is an endowment—a gift from God that can be understood by wisdom and discernment.  It equips us to see God’s hand and to hear His still, small voice.

All three—wisdom, discernment, and revelation—come to us through the Holy Spirit.  When we recognize that the Holy Spirit is the true presence of God residing in us, our spiritual lives forever change.  It seems like an obvious conclusion, but it remained hidden from my understanding for decades.

I began to discover that the more time I spend connected with God through prayer and study of His Word, the more He reveals to me.  It’s like when I spend a long time with someone—a friend, a spouse, one of my children.  The adage that when we spend a lot of time with someone and become more like them and even complete their sentences is TRUE!  The more time I spend with God, the more I become like Him.  I can begin to complete His sentences because I know who He is.  When I allow Him a greater presence in my life, the more He can use me and the more I can see when He’s giving me truth, understanding, and prophetic revelation.

What stood in my way was this—I’m a sinner who has fallen short more times than there are stars in the sky.  But when I strive to seek His face first before seeking His hand, invite Him into a greater presence in the depths of my life and soul, spend more time with Him every day, share Him with others either directly or through regifting His grace, and allow Him the rightful place on the throne of my life, His wisdom, discernment, and revelation no longer fall on my deaf ears.  I allow Him to entrust me with more.

The deeper we allow our lives to be permeated by the Holy Spirit is in direct correlation to how much we experience God’s gifts of wisdom, discernment, and revelation.  When I began to see that the presence of God was in me, through the Holy Spirit, it radically changed my perspective of my faith—my dependence on God grew exponentially.  As a result, I’ve experienced a level of wisdom, discernment, and revelation that I never knew was possible.  Only by God’s grace.  I can see and understand so much more than ever before because, through the time I spend with Him, I’ve invited Him to show me more.

How does this relate to discovering, recovering, and uncovering our God-given calling?

If you are not already doing what you believe is God’s calling in your life for this point in your life, ask for Him to show it to you.  Pray for wisdom (facts and the truth), pray for discernment (understanding what to do with the truth), and pray for revelation (seeing and knowing God’s hand).

God blesses us for many reasons, not the least of which is to use those blessings to bless others (i.e. Regifted Grace).  That’s our calling—using our God-given spiritual gifts, knowledge, skills, and abilities for touching the lives of others.

Discover your calling by praying for wisdom. Ask God to help you see the facts and truth about your spiritual gifts, skills, and desires, and your perfectly divine fit in the world.

Recover your calling by praying for discernment. First, ask God to heal you from anything that stops you from understanding and believing in your spiritual service gifts.  Rather than make excuses, pray for God to strip you of the chains that hold you back.  All of us sadly have those. Pray for discernment to understand the things that hold you hostage from your dreams, your calling, and your service.  Pray that through your life’s filters you can understand and trust in what He’s calling you to do at this point in time.  Sometimes our calling is “to be still and know.” He may be saying stay tuned because He’s not ready to reveal it yet.  God can and does call “broken vessels.”  All the time. Sometimes He will help you heal before the calling, sometimes during the calling, and other times after He has called.  But it all starts with praying for discernment.

Uncover your calling by praying for revelation. Allow God to show you His plan for your life.  Don’t hide it under a small voice that tells you, “But I can’t because . . . . .”  When you are in tune and spending time with God, He can choose to reveal His will for your life.  Ephesians 1:18 (NIV) goes on to say, “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.”  If you spend time with God, you invite His presence to permeate your soul and allow Him to reveal Himself to you.

God calls ALL who profess to know Jesus as Lord.

Feeling stuck or “challenged” because life hurts?  Perhaps you’re caring right now for someone with Alzheimer’s.  I have deeply mourned for the things that were lost because this disease took both my parents.  But rather than mourning the losses, I rejoice in the gains and the collateral beauty.  My faith has grown.  I was allowed the delicacy of sharing the last years of Mom’s life helping to care for her.  I witnessed her smile, heard her laughs, and made her use soap in the shower.  God is using my spiritual gifts to encourage others who caregive for loved ones.  He used Alzheimer’s to teach me how to do that through caring for my parents.

Don’t count the losses.  Count the gains.  Unleash the chains that hold you hostage to pain in your past.

Challenge yourself today to discover, recover, and uncover God’s purpose and plan for your life.  He’s already guaranteed it in His word.  He wants to give it to you. Do you want to experience the joy of regifting His grace?  Tell Him that you’re ready to start the journey.  Tell Him you’re ready to Start “the Walk.”

©2015 Regifted Grace Ministry LLC

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